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Ileana the Psychic

Psychic | Medium | Healer | Channeler | Life Coach
—Past Life Regression—

ileana local psychic energy healer tarot card reader near me

Are you feeling "a little off" when you should be confident and on top of the world?

Discover your path with loving guidance.

Loneliness, sadness, and despair can make anyone feel lost. Life changes and challenges can make you feel mixed up and uncertain about your path. Sometimes, discovering your joy and peace can feel hopeless! But the truth is, the life you desire is A LOT closer than you think.

Really! Anytime you feel a void in your life. Or face a seemingly impossible challenge. There Is Always An Opportunity for Awakened Expansion. Problems with love, money, career, or family are all lessons for growth.

Ileana's Psychic readings and life coaching can give you a significant insight if you are seeking Guidance, Clarity & Direction.

For over 20 years now, Ileana has helped hundreds of people from all walks of life connect to their guides, discover their inner wisdom to achieve their highest potential. As a 5th Generation Channeler and Healer, Ileana aids your journey by getting you to the heart of your issues and working with you to find long-term solutions so you can live a happier, healthier, and more fulfilling life!

Take a moment...
What does that look like for you?
Can you see yourself there?
More Joyful and Fulfilled?

Your're about to Discover how Ileana's unrivaled amazing natural talents and insights are going to transform your life...

But, If you can't wait. If you already know. If you're ready to take the next step then Go Ahead— Give yourself permission to experience an all new you!

What Can Ileana Do For You?

As one of the best Psychic Life Coaches Ileana will Always Give You The Truth, eliminating uncertainty and confusion.

Connecting to your Spirit Guides and Past Life Memories as a Channeler and Past Life Regressionist Ileana gives profound and compassionate guidance. Her insights can help you to understand the impact of your actions today and in past lives on your karmic and soul contracts. These insights uncover the essence of your desires answering your questions about love, money, family, and all other aspects of life.

Being a Reiki Master and Integrative Energy Therapy® Master-Instructor, Ileana blends Modern Energetic Healing Modalities with her own deeply rooted family traditions based in Shamanic and Metaphysical principles to facilitate powerful energetic shifts in your aura, removing blockages, and bringing your chakras into alignment. Giving you a greater sense of well-being.

With an intuitive understanding of your situation, Ileana helps you to get in touch with that part of your Being that's always fully present. It's that calm inner center that remains unwavering and steadfast in Divine Light. In doing so, you can truly Understand How to Break the Patterns that no longer serve you. And make decisions based on your highest potential moving you forward. Achieving your aspirations. Living a happy, fulfilling, and meaningful life today.

Clear Helpful Advice

Ileana will always strive to give you clear, helpful, and actionable advice so that you can find your inner strength —reaching your goals, and realizing your dreams.

"We all have Angels and Guides, but sometimes we need a little extra help to connect. Sometimes all that is needed is a bit of guidance to restore clarity. Ileana will tell you what your soul already knows with loving compassion to help you get back on track and find your way."

Astrology. Astrologer calculates  natal chart and makes a forecast of fate	Tarot cards, Fortune telling on tarot cards magic crystal, occultism, Esoteric background. Fortune telling,tarot predictions

Thought it over?
Are you Ready to Change

Always Confidential and Private.

Live One on One Sessions

It can be a little intimidating to share your most personal questions for the first time...But remember Ileana NEVER wants you to be uncomfortable. When it comes to giving psychic readings she has a rare gift— her sincerity, caring, and gentle encouragement set her apart.

That is why so many clients trust her and feel they have known Ileana their whole lives. Like She "gets" them. When you book your exclusive one-on-one private session, you can be sure she will always protect your privacy & never share your personal information and circumstances with anyone else.

Your Psychic Reading is always private and confidential. It's her Guarantee.


Once Your PayPal Transaction is Completed you will be Redirected to the Booking Page. Please do not Close the Window until you have booked your session

Live Consultations

30 Minute Zoom Consultation

60 Minute Zoom Consultation

30 Minute Phone Consultation

60 Minute Phone Consultation

Email Consultations

1 Question Email Consultation

3 Question Emal Consultation

Thanks For Stopping By! We are still building and updating my new digital home. If you run in to any problems booking send me an email to set up an appointment

ileana psychic reader life coach

Are you tired of Always Falling Short of your Goals?

How many times have you tried to make a change in your life— And given up? Do you start projects with tons of enthusiasm and excitement then watch your willpower disappear? How many times have you started a diet then gone back to your old unhealthy habits or "failed" your New Year's Resolutions?

As a certified Life Coach, Ileana will help you to establish an action plan to get you where you want to be! And most importantly, she will hold you accountable for meeting your goals so you can be your Best Self EVER!

No More Excuses. Just Results.

Life Coaching Made Easy.

Ileana has several Life Coaching options available to help you meet your goals. If you are not sure what you need Book a Half Hour Consultation so you can discover what plan will work best for you.

Below you will find a summary of Ileana's most popular Coaching Packages. If you would like to see how they compare and discover other plans click the button below.

Most Popular Plans

The Golden Mentorship Plan
The Gold Plan is designed to provide Accountability in helping to meet your long term goals.


  • Initial 45 Minute Goal Setting Zoom Consultation
  • Bi-Weekly (up to 60 minutes) Zoom or Phone Meetings for 1 Year
  • Weekly Goal Reaching Exercises
  • Exclusive 📲Quick Text Access

Personal Investment: $3750

The Silver Mentorship Plan
The Silver Plan is a more affordable option to help you meet your goals.


  • Initial 30 Minute Goal Setting Zoom Consultation
  • Monthly Check-ins (up to 30 minutes) for 1 Year
  • Monthly Goal Reaching Exercises
  • Exclusive 📱 Ready Text Access

Personal Investment: $1575

Bronze Mentorship Plans
Do You have a short term goal that you would like to accomplish? I have 3 Bronze Mentorship Plans to help you get there. Each Bronze Plan includes:

  • Initial 30 Minute Goal Setting Zoom Consultation
  • Goal Reaching Exercises
  • Exclusive 💌 Quick Text Reminders

Once your payment is received you will be redirected to the the schedulding page where you can book your initial half hour consultation. Please Do Not Close the PayPal window until you have booked your appointment.

1 Month Plan

  • Two 15-Minute Phone Check-ins
  • 4 Quick Text Reminders to help keep you focused


3 Month Plan

  •  15 Minute Bi-Weekly Phone Check-ins
  • Weekly Quick Text Reminders to help keep you focused


6 Month Plan

  •  15 Minute Bi-Weekly Phone Check-ins
  • Quick Text Reminders to help keep you focused



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Still Not Ready to Book a Session?

If you are not quite ready to book a One on One Live session with me feel free to check out some of the videos I have created as a service to the Being One Center Community on our Youtube Page. They are always free and I do my best to provide relevant and useful information that anyone can use to grow in their Spiritual Practice and Understanding.

I know it sounds weird, But this could be your last opportunity to

Ask the Best Question of Your Life


Fast and Flexible. Confidential and Private.
I am here to help.